Seek a friend, not a date

One of the secret to a successful marriage is when you marry your best friend.
Your best friend is your playmate and your gist mate. Your best friend knows you in and out and will never take your love or feelings for granted.

Qualities you get in your best friend that you will rarely get with dates:

  • There is always an unconditional love, mutual feelings and understanding
  • A friends knows your value than any other person
  • Communication won’t flow well when you are not dating your friend because you tend to talk about anything and everything with your friend
  • You can’t beg for attention when dating your friend
  • When dating your best friend, you plan the future together
  • Your best friend will understand your mood swings and will definitely work on settling any misunderstanding
  • Do you know why people fight over sex in relationship? It’s because there is no friendship between them

Build friendship before marrying anyone because when you marry someone you really know, it makes marriage easy

One of the best feelings is when you realize that the one you love completely loves you back. And marrying your best friend will give you one of the greatest experience you can ever hope to have, and a life full of adventures
In essence, be with someone who is good for your mental health because heartbreak hurts badly

Maiden Wura


  1. The best friend thing will happen if both genders wants it to. We can only know what people wants us to know. So we must be open if we want our partner to also be our best friend. Nice write up


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